Your Day by MK

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Woman Wednesday: Tina Lipscomb

On this Valentine’s Day, I’d like to highlight a super awesome lady who is the epitome of love. Her generosity and support has made me tear up on multiple occasions and her eloquence has inspired to me to be a better me. In small yet big ways, I’ve seen her show unrelenting love perfect for a Valentine’s shoutout.

Day 1: reply to MK and accept opportunity to be a Wed. Woman on her blog

Day 2: read MK’s response and instruction to write a statement of what makes me strong

Day 3: read about the outrageously crazy strong women previously featured

Day 3.1: feel intimated by eloquent writing, awesome confidence, lists of accomplishments longer than Santa's good list

Day 3.2: wonder why MK thinks I am strong, for my strength may be my desire to see others flourish, smile, love and be loved

Day 3.3: considering the question be continued

Day 4,5,6: lost in thought and the adventures of each day

Day 7: What makes me strong…

A not so obvious talent- my ability to mobilize children of any group size to do most anything.

My super hero power- being present to children and staying calm in the face of injury or illness.

My strength comes from others- their smiles, joy, needs, talents, laughter, love- their lives! And the gift it is to be part of their lives even for just a moment!