Your Day by MK

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Woman Wednesday: Jacqueline Bruns

Jacqueline Bruns is a one of a kind human.  I'll admit that I was slow to welcome, but mostly because I was jealous. She had woo'd my best friends and for good reason. She has a genuine soul, a true desire to learn and make the world a better place. She has inspired me to think more deeply and love with my full heart. She's off running the world, one less pant suit at a time, in the financial/business sect. 

"I am strong through the influence of my close friends. From high school through college to now, I have been so lucky to be surrounded by compassionate, confident women and men. They inspire me with their passions, motivate me with their dedication, and ground me with their silliness. As I value how unique each of my friends are, I have grown in serenity with myself knowing I want cultivate my own uniqueness. Armed with this self confidence, I am free to be strong.”