Woman Wednesday: Kelly Gilmour


I think this reflection by Kelly strikes a chord with a lot of the women in our lives. Often times we don’t believe we are strong because we are just going through the motions. But these reflections are the ones I find to be the most powerful. The ones that acknowledge that everyday life requires moments of strength even when we don’t know it.

“I was truly honored to be raised into the same category as so many empowering women. Many of them have amazing stories of overcoming adversity or the courage to break the traditional mold.

I don't really fall into either of these categories. I followed the expected path of high school -> college -> corporate america. I've never had a major failure or career ending injury. My parents are even still together (Thank you Parents!!) So instead I want to talk about the strength that I find to make the little everyday choices that I know are right: finding the energy to overcome inertia; telling a friend (or stranger) that they're being bigoted, or racist; doing something because it has to be done, not because you want to do it; eating a salad when all you really want are french fries. Each one of these choices takes a conscious effort and energy, even if you don't realize it. Adding them all together takes an incredible amount of strength. I am a strong woman because I consciously make the choices that I should be making to make myself into who I want to be and make the world a better place.”