DEAD GIVEAWAY You’re Getting Married...

Photo by: Michelle Lytle Photography

Photo by: Michelle Lytle Photography

...and why it is not a good thing

No it’s not the beautiful ring your fiancée picked out or the Instagram stories about cake testing.  It’s something so simple yet so incognito, you’ll be saying, MK UGH YOU ARE SO RIGHT.

The number one sign you’re getting married is... that Crate & Barrel box that shows up on your doorstep, and no this post in not sponsored in anyway. But those aren’t the only boxes showing up. You have Target, Amazon, and Bed Bath & Beyond making some frequent appearances. As amazing as that Crate & Barrel box is, there’s a downside.

If you live in Chicago like me, people snag those amazon boxes off your doorstep expecting every box to include the newest version of the iPhone. I have friends who ask their mailman to move boxes under their doormats for safety. Now imagine seeing a Crate & Barrel know there’s going to be a constant stream of gifts coming in for the next month or so.

SO here are a couple mail tips before and after the big day!

BEFORE: If you have parents, family or friends in town with a secure place to have packages delivered, ask if they’d be willing to hold packages for you. Change your registry delivery address and make sure to pick up your gifts at least weekly so it is not a burden on them.  If you do keep your delivery address, make sure you are familiar with how to get a replacement: file a claim with UPS and have the vendor re-ship it.

AFTER: Place your mail on hold when you’re away for your honeymoon and have a neighbor check for packages. When your mailbox is packed, sure fire way to know you’re out of town.  Coming home from a blissful honeymoon is going to be hard enough, realizing some late wedding gifts or checks were stolen is not the ideal way to return home.

All this and more are in my FREE downloadable month of checklist!  Plus, check out more tips on the blog!