What Ultimate Frisbee Taught Me About Life (and myself)

Ok y’all, if you didn’t know by now, I play competitve ultimate frisbee. If you need a quick look at what that is, check out this video for some badass women’s highlights. Not only do I play, but I coach a high school team and do some basic reporting for the college women’s scene. Through the years, unintentionally, ultimate has taught me a lot about how to approach life and accept myself. Below are just the highlights.

You can start anything at any time - I didn’t start playing ultimate until my freshman year in college. By the end of my senior year, I was invited to try out for the national team and was recognized in the college ultimate scene. It taught me that any time is the right time to try something new. So often we think we are only allowed to do the things we’ve been doing or have been trained to do. But here I am, a wedding planner and small business owner with a political science degree. Start today, do not wait until tomorrow.

A lot of life is voluntary - But actually all of life is voluntary! Joining a team, going to practice and tournaments are all opt-in. In fact, I primarily have to pay to play. Work hard and put forth effort, but remember that what you’re doing is voluntary. I tried a lot of conventional jobs, going to an office and working in real clothes, but it just wasn’t for me. Why would I sign up for that? I’d rather sign up and do work for what I find passionate, aka making your wedding day so much more stress free!

Always strive to be better - Earlier this year, a boycott of the primarily men’s professional ultimate league, the AUDL, was proposed. It rocked the ultimate community and has sparked an influx of conversations about gender equity. This seems jarring because to an onlooker, the ultimate community is already progressive. However, we can always be better and get better. The ultimate community has taught me that even if I feel comfortable and happy with where I am, I can always do more in both my personal and professional life. I promise to always strive to be a better confidant in your wedding planning adventure. This includes giving away resources like candy! Check out my free name change guide, month-of checklist or month-after checklist!

Someone will love and accept you - Maybe this isn’t specific to the ultimate community, but it is the ultimate community that made me believe it. I am anything but conventional. I went to college and expected myself to be fully immersed in the cliche college experience. Surprise surprise, I am not a cliche lady. I love weight lifting, I wear crew socks and Sperry’s when it’s nice outside and I am obsessed with the Duggars. I wasn’t proud of this version of myself until I met the ultimate team that accepted this quirky and passionate MK. I found it important to show women at the squat racks, not just the treadmill. I was enthralled by all things planning on logistics even though I refused to wear real pants. Not only did they accept it, but they applauded it.  Sometimes it takes a hot second to find your people, but they are there. And if you can’t find them just yet, give me a ring and I’ll be there for you.

Work is fun when you’re passionate - Let me tell you folks, I’ve struggled with completing my work when I don’t like what I’m doing. I really have to crank the music and block out LARGE amounts of time because I know I will procrastinate, but it’s different when you’re passionate. One season, we were national contenders and I was playing with all of my best friends. I don’t think i’ve ever been that in shape. I would lift on my own, lift with pals, do workouts I found online, throw in my spare time and I even gave up CANDY! Yeah, that’s right, I gave up mini M&M’s. But it didn’t feel like work. It was a goal of mine to be the best I could be. After that I tried to go back to all my work obligations and it was hard. It’s true, when you’re passionate, it seems like you’re beating the system, not really working.

There are so many more parallels I could talk about when it comes to ultimate frisbee and my life. I’ve been blessed with amazing friends and experiences, opportunities and chances to grow and I can not wait to give back. Ultimate has opened my eyes to the larger gender equity conversation and how I work best as a contributor to the world around me. Be sure to check out all things women’s empowerment in my Woman Wednesday series right here on my blog!